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eCommerce SEO

Make your eCommerce business boom with eCommerce SEO strategies and plans from 1SEO Digital Agency! With over 15 years of working on eCommerce SEO, 1SEO knows how to make your business stand out in the rapidly growing online market. Book a free digital marketing audit today!


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eCommerce SEO Services You Can Count On

Do you sell jewelry, posters, car parts, shoelaces, or cutlery online? Regardless of exactly what you’re selling on your website, operating an eCommerce business has its own unique challenges, rewards, setbacks, and triumphs. One thing is for certain, though: it’s sometimes almost impossible to stand out online among the millions of other companies selling exactly what your company sells. Especially with eCommerce giants like Amazon drawing traffic away from smaller brands, you need all the help you can get in the world of eCommerce. And you can find that help right here at 1SEO Digital Agency, using our eCommerce SEO services!

Even if you don’t know anything about SEO (search engine optimization), it’s a proven fact that one of the best advantages you can give your eCommerce business is spending time on SEO strategizing and marketing, then implementing those strategies into a long-term eCommerce SEO plan. The right eCommerce SEO will bring the right visitors to your site at the right time, which will increase sales, drive customer connections, and grow your business exponentially.

At 1SEO Digital Agency, we have 15+ years of experience offering SEO services for eCommerce businesses just like yours — and we’ve seen how the right strategies can make a small business grow into a merchandising and marketing machine. We want to take your company to the top with our proven, results-driven SEO services for eCommerce stores — and we’re incredibly excited to help you get there! Read on to learn more about how our eCommerce SEO services can be the key to truly hitting your stride with your eCommerce business.

The Best SEO for eCommerce Sites

1SEO Digital Agency knows our stuff when it comes to eCommerce SEO. We’ve helped hundreds of eCommerce companies enhance their SEO through keyword research, effective on-page content, site organization, technical website functionality of your website, and backlinking. The right SEO services for eCommerce companies can turn a relatively unknown website into an eCommerce industry titan — and we have real results and case studies to prove it!


The Importance of SEO Services for eCommerce Companies

Every industry we serve has its own unique marketing needs. We believe that one of the most important things we do specifically in the realm of eCommerce is provide eCommerce SEO services. That’s because search engine optimization is an absolutely essential part of digital marketing for eCommerce websites. eCommerce SEO gives you a leg up on the competition by helping your eCommerce website show up at the top of search results. And you really want to be at the top, because studies show that over 75 percent of users click on one of the first three organic search results. That means if you aren’t thinking about your eCommerce SEO or investing in our SEO services for eCommerce, you’re practically giving away your business’s sales to your competitors!

eCommerce SEO Marketing

SEO marketing makes up a significant portion of our SEO services for eCommerce companies. In order to provide the best SEO for eCommerce sites, we’ll sit down with you to discuss your company’s goals, marketing strategies, brand identity, and more. Then, we’ll create a custom eCommerce business SEO strategy to implement together. 

One reason we’re a great choice for your eCommerce SEO marketing strategy is that we’re very experienced with small and medium-sized businesses. In fact, we often say that small businesses are our bread and butter because so many trust us to take care of them. While there are many conveniences offered by “big-box” eCommerce stores such as Amazon, we intimately understand you’re trying to offer your customers something they can’t get by buying their products through a massive company. Part of strategizing eCommerce business SEO is establishing ways to let your brand identity shine through, while also providing a space to create positive, personal relationships with customers and site visitors alike. 

Another reason 1SEO consistently outperforms the competition is that we’re extremely focused on customer service. We want YOU to be satisfied with OUR service before anything else, and that means we focus our efforts on constant communication, transparent planning, and showing real results so you know exactly where your marketing budget is going.

Crafting Effective eCommerce SEO Strategies

Here are just a few parts of eCommerce SEO we can plan out with you when we sit down for our first meeting. Any and all of these elements can vastly improve your website’s ranking, your conversion rates, and your customer satisfaction, so they’re all worth learning a little more about!

Keywords, Keywords, Keywords

The most basic building block of SEO for eCommerce is a good keyword strategy. What terms do people search most when looking for your types of products? What keywords do your competitors use? Our eCommerce SEO experts use industry knowledge, specialized tools, and years of experience — including real-world case studies — to figure out the perfect eCommerce SEO keywords to include on your website. 

Keyword research isn’t an exact science. It takes some experience to choose your targets wisely. Depending on your product offering and the competitiveness of your space, you may not always want to go after the keywords with the largest search volume. And depending on how your site is structured, you may want to direct traffic to category pages or more specific product pages. It’s all about giving users the best experience possible.

The great part of partnering with a digital marketing agency is that you don’t need to do any keyword research or even know how to start researching keywords. We do the heavy lifting for you by providing you with a list of keywords, so you can approve or make necessary changes to the list as you see fit. Once you’ve decided which keywords you’d like to focus on, we can work on implementing them into your online profile through your on-page content, in your blog posts, and even in your social media.

On-Page eCommerce SEO Content

“On-page” content is exactly what it sounds like: the content on each page of your website. You may not have known this, but high-quality on-page content is crucial to establishing the best SEO for eCommerce sites.

If you offer a lot of different products or already have an eCommerce website with hundreds or even thousands of web pages, figuring out how to start fleshing out your onpages can be stressful. That’s where 1SEO comes in! We will help with eCommerce SEO optimization for each one of your important on-pages in a way that is natural and clear to your customers. 

Just starting up your eCommerce website? That’s perfectly fine, too — in fact, beginning with SEO in mind helps your company grow faster. We can craft brand-new on-page content for you that will get your website ranking where you need it to in no time. Although SEO can take a little while to pay off compared to social media marketing and other more “immediate” services, it’s one of the most worthwhile investments you can make for the sake of your company.

The best SEO for eCommerce sites contains both elements that are useful for users and elements that can be indexed by search engines. Here are just a few of the many different elements that are important to eCommerce SEO:

  • Meta titles are the “official” title of a page which appears in the tab at the top of a web browser as well as the search result for a page.
  • Meta descriptions are a short description of the page, which is shown underneath the link in search results.
  • Main headings (called H1s) are the title of the page users see on the page itself, usually in large, bold text.
  • Body content is the webpage text shown for a user to read, which on an eCommerce site is usually an image, a description of the product, and its specifications.
  • Images can help legitimize your pages, especially for a site selling physical products, and they contain their own set of titles and descriptions that search engines see. 
  • Subheadings (called H2, H3, H4, etc.) help structure the page content. 
  • Filters help customers find the right products.
  • Buttons allow customers to buy products with a simple click.

All of these on-page elements are designed to help users, and Google notices. Having high-quality on-page content gives you the greatest chance at reaching the top of search results. Don’t waste your time experimenting with changing website features or testing out marketing ideas that might not work. Ensure your business starts booming with proven, time-tested eCommerce SEO services from 1SEO! 

Get Organized

Many people overlook organization for their eCommerce sites, especially if their site has grown from a few sparse pages to a large database of products over the years. However, good site organization is crucial to eCommerce business SEO. This is because Google’s “bots” crawl your website much like a human would. They start at the homepage, then “click” on links to find more pages, which they assess to see what value they provide to users. Google wants to see sites that are easy and logical to navigate.

Poor site organization is a surprisingly common problem in eCommerce — even among large companies that have otherwise flawless websites. With many online stores carrying hundreds or even thousands of products, proper site organization requires smart, thorough planning. Our SEO experts can set you up with a plan for a new, more organized site or help detangle your existing site.

Websites also need organizational updates to their more technical aspects. Properly formatted sitemaps, adequate page caching, structured data markup, proper use of hidden files, and the elimination of broken links all contribute to boosting your SEO. If you’re unsure of where to start when it comes to website improvement, our experts can give your site a comprehensive technical SEO audit, along with a roadmap for making any necessary updates.

Bring In the Backlinks

Backlinks, or “external links,” are links from other sites that direct users to your site. When your site has a lot of backlinks, especially backlinks from reputable sources, this provides a huge boost to your website’s reputation in Google’s eyes. While backlinks are harder to make a part of eCommerce business SEO than, say, plumbing or legal website SEO, we can still help you include backlinks in your marketing plan. At 1SEO, we coordinate entire campaigns centered around gaining backlinks to your site. Talk with our experts for guidance on choosing a digital marketing strategy that includes a backlink campaign.

Speed Racer: Page Loading Times

A fast page loading time can provide a huge boost to your SEO. On the other hand, slow-loading pages can tank your rankings because Google bots are quick to notice the problem. But why is slow page speed an issue? It’s because of a particular statistic many search engines have discovered over the years: Most users won’t wait more than two seconds for a page to load before returning to the search results and finding another page. As the years go on and internet connection speeds increase, that time gets even shorter. When’s the last time you waited more than two seconds for a page to load before getting frustrated? That’s what we thought… and your customers notice it, too.

For pages to load as fast as possible, there are several measures you need to take, such as using efficient page code, loading elements in the correct order, and using images that are the optimal size. This might sound overwhelming, but there’s no reason to be worried. When you rely on our team for eCommerce SEO management and implementation, we’ll take care of all of these details so you can keep running your business and selling what you sell to make a living!

Your Local eCommerce SEO Agency

We pride ourselves on crafting the best SEO for eCommerce sites no matter how large or small your company is — or what you sell. Over 15+ years, we’ve dedicated our time to providing eCommerce SEO services for every possible kind of eCommerce client, from clothes retailers to wholesale tire stores. And we’re not stopping anytime soon! With more and more eCommerce companies popping up, we’ve only been busier and busier as our own company grows. If you want dedication to customer service combined with a proven track record of marketing success, 1SEO Digital Agency is the only company to trust for your eCommerce business SEO!

Looking For More Than eCommerce SEO Services?

If you truly want to grow your eCommerce business, SEO is just one piece of the puzzle. In addition to our commitment to providing the best SEO for ecommerce sites, we also offer these services to help you develop your eCommerce website:

  • PPC for eCommerce to enhance, develop, and analyze your Facebook ad campaigns and other PPC advertising campaigns.
  • eCommerce Web Design to create a beautiful, functional, and “click-worthy” website for your customers — and for Google’s bot crawlers.
  • Social Media for eCommerce so you can connect with your current and future clients, offer special deals, communicate order information, and more.

Dedicated to Providing the Best SEO for eCommerce Sites!

Have you learned a bit more about eCommerce business SEO and its role in your company’s potential growth — or stagnancy? If you’ve read this far, we know you’d have to be crazy to not be at least a little interested in our eCommerce SEO services

For some business owners, SEO can seem like an exercise in jumping through tedious, tricky hoops. However, keep in mind that the ultimate purpose of a search engine is to direct users to pages that best satisfy their query. By optimizing your website for SEO, you’re also improving your site for your customers. SEO isn’t about gaming the system; it’s about maintaining a great website that provides legitimate value.

SEO improvement is also a self-fulfilling endeavor. The better you optimize for SEO, the more traffic you’ll get. The more traffic you get, the more you’re recognized as an authority in your space. The more that happens, the easier it will be to rank higher for more keywords, and you’ll get more traffic. It’s a snowball effect.

We know you’ve worked hard over the years to grow your online business. All that hard work shouldn’t go to waste when you get lost in Google search results or your website doesn’t show up at all. We want your eCommerce business to become what you’ve always wanted it to be, and we have the tools to help you get there. Do what’s best for your business and take action! Schedule a FREE, no-obligations digital marketing consultation to discuss eCommerce business SEO, your current social media marketing strategy, how you can grow leads, or almost anything else with our experienced team!