Lending a Helping Hand: 5 Ways Small Businesses Can Get Involved in Their Local Community
Though every small business is unique, the one thing that ties us all together is our sense of community. Almost every small business owner can
Home services build their business on the bonds they forge within the community. As more people within their communities call them into use, they begin to build equity with them and their network of friends, relatives, neighbors that call their neighborhood home. As these people start to come to you for their needs, they help further establish your business and build you up as a mainstay of the community. Part of your responsibility as an active member of your neighborhood’s community comes in the form of community outreach and charity efforts to give back to the community that has helped you build your home services business up makes sense, especially during the holiday season.
Some benefits of an active role in community outreach come down to how your employees feel about your community outreach role. Having your team involved in either company-wide volunteer services, participation in a toy, food, or warm coat drive can give your employees a wealth of positive benefits. They feel more connected to the community than before. They feel good about themselves and their organization taking a more active role in helping those less fortunate within the community. Those positive feelings can lead to better employee morale and retention while also providing your business with a consistent team that can continue to grow with your larger community.
This part of the process can be the most tricky and the most rewarding step of the process. Picking a cause and organization to partner with and do fundraising work with can have long-reaching ramifications to your business and the community at large. You can get your team or even some of your customers involved in the selection process. You can ask team members directly if they have specific charities that they are involved with that operate within the community. Additionally, you can leverage your social media presence to ask your customers what local charities they know of and are involved with to use the help of your small business to grow and reach more people in need. By getting your employees and community involvement in the selection process, you continue to build the bonds that are already in place and strengthen them by showing that you value their opinions.
The holidays can be a troublesome time for families that are struggling to get by for whatever reason. Whatever organization you decide to partner with will most likely have a specially tailored holiday outreach initiative that aims to help the community members that don’t have enough this year. These holiday drives can make the difference between a positive holiday experience and a negative one. By taking that active role and doing what you can to meet that program’s goals, no matter how ambitious or safe it may be, you can help ensure that some families have what they need this holiday season.
The communities that home service businesses serve are often a diverse collection of people with different priorities, needs, and organizations that reflect that. As a business, if you feel the pull to donate, raise funds, or volunteer with multiple charities, then go for it. Becoming more involved with various charitable causes that benefit your community can help build a wide range of relationships organically that would have taken much longer, too, otherwise. Being an active participant in multiple charities shows the customers within your community your dedication to helping those less fortunate by using your resources to help these charities. These efforts do not go unnoticed, and people will be more inclined to go to you with their business in the future.
At 1SEO, we practice what we preach when it comes to community outreach. We actively partner with organizations such as Beat The Streets Philadelphia, One Warm Coat, March of Dimes, and organize and sponsor the 1Conference for small business owners and entrepreneurs, among other initiatives. Finding different ways to take an active role within our community, we aim to build and foster relationships across the board. Finding charitable causes that we believe in helping our organization and community develop and grow together in various ways. Your home service business can achieve similar results, and we can help build your digital marketing strategy to help boost you and your community through these efforts. Contact our team today to learn how we can help your business grow today!
About the Author:
Dan Matthews is your friendly neighborhood content writer at 1SEO. His secret dream is to go onto Guy’s Grocery Games, win, and parlay that into a recurring role as a judge. You can find him around town sampling the finest taco spots Philadelphia has to offer.
Though every small business is unique, the one thing that ties us all together is our sense of community. Almost every small business owner can
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