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To Keep Them, You First Need To Get Them!

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If the answer to our question is, “any & every way possible,” would you be able to guess what that question might be? As the solution we provide is so broad & non-specific, it could apply to almost any question posed, be it related to digital marketing, the origin of life on Earth, and just about every topic in between. There might be a few questions out there that the answer “any & every way possible” won’t fit with at all, or fit awkwardly at best. But before you start playing 20 questions in your mind to come up with just the one in our minds, we’ll play nicely and cut to the chase. Well – maybe not right to the chase. First, allow for elucidation on how we got here. Not “here,” as in related to the previously referenced “origin of life” mystery, but “here” as in “how we (somewhat brilliantly) came to ask this question today.” Ready?
Last week, the topic of our discussion and the (linked for your convenience) Blogs to follow revolved around retaining your existing customers by using engagement strategies & tactics. Hopefully, you found an opportunity to read & digest our take on the subject. Trusting that you may have, we also hope that you put some of your thought into the topic upon your conclusion of the read(s). and how relevant it might be to you & your business. You would not be alone in having that consideration: Normally, our blogs are read, processed & mostly forgotten, without further discussion on the topic. However, that was not the case last week. We received an email from one of our email recipients living right here in Bucks County, PA, who had just completed their “self-processing” and decided to share some thoughts and a question of their own with us! As one of the guidelines to writing our Blogs is “be colorful, but not graphically so,” most of the email content itself shall remain unrepeated. However, to loosely paraphrase the message within: 
“(Our) sincerest “thank you” for the helpful reminder of how best to retain the customers already ours. Now, would you please be so kind as to spend a few minutes elaborating on how best to identify, locate & secure new customers – in particular, by using that (bleeping) web-thingy?” 
A very loose paraphrasing, perhaps, but the recommendation was very well received. Could we successfully “defend our title” as the best digital marketing agency in the Philadelphia & Central Jersey region, only to fail in responding to what our clients ask of us? We couldn’t. With that in mind (and our shout out to “Frustrated in Feasterville” for the suggestion), this week, the subject of our Blogs and White Paper Downloads shall be the Top 3 Ways to Acquire New Customers Online.  
We will dig deeper into some of the proven customer acquisition methods preferred by, or recommended to, your type of business in the next few days. Since it’s a Monday, we thought we’d start in the shallow end of the pool by sharing some semi-obvious suggestions that might serve universally for most of our readers.
It May Be Social, But It Is Still a Media:  The “Social” part is a term leftover from when the primary purpose of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and others was social networking and interaction. However, the almost-universal acceptance and reach of these platforms, combined with the vast quantities of digital advertising dollars spent across them, has made them as powerful as any traditional broadcast or print advertising format, if not even more powerful. They have earned the required emphasis on the “Media” part of their designation.
On Our Way To The Forum: There are as many community chat boards, local forums, and “Moms (and Dads) Clubs” online today as there are tall peaks in the Rockies. Most of them welcome new voices with “open ears,” and as most of these sites have very few if any “sponsors” (a.k.a. “paid patronage”), a few minutes of your time, and just as few of your dollars, will go a long way.
If You’re Lost, Ask For Directions: Don’t expect any single source to know all of the places your prospective customers are digitally spending their time; and new ones keep popping up daily. Sometimes the best way to find your destination is by asking locals for advice on which routes to take.
Almost Forgot: Our answer “any & every way possible” that opened this piece was to the question, “what is the best way to acquire new customers?” That might not have been your guess, but how does that answer work with so many different questions? In closing, and to follow the lead set last week by ending on some sage advice given by Confucius: 
“When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don’t adjust the goals, adjust the action steps.”
Ready for help in acquiring new customers online for your business? Questions about the effectiveness of your business’s digital marketing campaigns and how they relate to acquiring new customers online? Contact 1SEO’s experts for a free digital marketing assessment today! 

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