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Just Who Do We Think We Are?

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Just in case you haven’t been paying attention – or your email server’s “spam” filter has been overly protective in sparing you from this revelation: For the past month and more, we’ve hit your email’s inbox like clockwork every Monday & Tuesday; please tell us that you noticed- please? Every Monday, we send our “General Businessemail & Blog to the almost tens of thousands of email addresses that reside on our “master list.” Many of these businesses make their home in the same Philadelphia & Central New Jersey region that we call home. Still, the very nature of our business as a digital marketing agency allows us to provide the full gamut of services to clients no matter where they might be based.

Top 3 Ways to Get Repeat Business for Home Services Professionals

The rest of the week’s emails & Blogs are usually written about a “Top 3” list, and targeted to the significant vertical segments most heavily served by 1SEO. Furthermore, they include a White Paper available for reader downloading. The Tuesday-through-Friday Blogs target one of our major vertical market segments. Tuesday is our Home Services sector, which explains why you receive emails from us every Monday & Tuesday, and then get nothing for the rest of the week (unless there is some breaking news or special event that we need to spread the word about). 
We’ve noticed that the bulk of our “Top 3” lists for the past few weeks have been covering “mistakes” we see being made somewhere within the realm of digital marketing. Everyone knows that mistakes happen, but after talking about nothing but errors during five of the last six weeks, it leads to two questions. First: Is anyone doing anything correctly? And Second: Just whom do we think we are; know-it-alls? 
Yes is the answer to that first question; many businesses are doing most things correctly. After all, we didn’t call anyone out by name or any other unique identifiers, did we? As for that second question’s answer: We know who we are; we are an award-winning digital agency, and are included in any conversation regarding the best digital marketing agencies – and not with any geographic limitations, mind you; among the best internet marketing firms anywhere!

Putting our egos aside, our only real goal from these emails, blogs & white papers is to assist your business in becoming as successful as possible. Sometimes, that requires a “reality check” regarding what some might not be doing well, or “correctly” at all. But most often, all that is needed are reminders of what you might be doing right and helpful tips that can only serve to enhance your business’s online presence & performance. With that in mind, we thought we would spend this week focusing not on what many are doing wrong, but what some might wish to do to become even better. One of the areas we see many businesses want to improve is generating repeat business, which leads us to today’s topic: The Top 3 Ways to Get Repeat Business for Home Services Professionals. 

DO NOT Practice Social Distancing – with Your Customers: The more communications you send to your customers, the more likely they are to think of you first the next time they need a product or service your business offers. Too many businesses squander the opportunity afforded when the customer becomes “yours,” forgetting that they will only stay yours until you let them get away. Whether it is to share recent Social Media posts, introduce them to a new product or service your business offers, follow-up after a sale to make sure they are satisfied, or merely to say “Hi,” Email marketing is a cost-effective way to stay in constant contact with your customer base. 
You DO want them as Repeat Customers – Yes? Sometimes the best way to transition customers from “one-timers” to “lifers” is to come right out and ask them! For example, you can generate repeat business by offering customers regularly-scheduled maintenance or service plans. You can also take advantage of the previously-discussed Email marketing & Social Media Marketing to invite them back or share repeat purchase opportunities with them.  
DON’T Be Afraid – to Spread the Love: Few emotions lead to repeat business more than appreciation. If your customers know you appreciate their loyal business, they are more likely to remain loyal customers. Loyalty & frequent-shopper rewards programs cost next-to-nothing to start or manage, other than whatever the “pot of gold” at the end of your program’s rainbow might be (a 10% off discount? Free T-shirt?). But customers are significantly more likely to give their business to those that reward them for the business. All you ask for in return is that they “like you” on your business’s Facebook page – and now, you can remain in constant contact with them, and build their loyalty as repeat customers.
Remember that the customers pave the road to long-term growth & profitability for your business – but repeat customers can turn your 2-lane road into a multi-lane superhighway!
 Ready for some professional assistance with turning your customers into repeat customers? Contact 1SEO’s experts for a free digital marketing assessment today! 

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