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Being Creative Got You This Far – Now What?

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Of all the errors in judgment we make as human beings, taking our ability to be creative, both as individuals and as a civilization, for granted is near the top. Yet it is that inherent instinct that we should always consider to be one of the most crucial tools in our bag. Solving a problem by taking what limited resources might be available at the time, and with the application of some ingenuity craft them into the solution required, is a prime example of what it means to be creative. Human beings have been applying creativity to the challenges placed before them since long before recorded history began. It’s the current & future use of our creativity toolkits that will allow our species to continue occupying the top spot on the evolutionary tree. 

Top 3 Creative Marketing Mistakes Made By The eCommerce Industry

In more relevant & recent times, one of the most significant world-changing implementations of ingenuity is the Internet. Before the world was electronically connected, most business transactions were done face-to-face in one form or another and required direct human interaction of varying degrees. But once the world was able to communicate instantly, in real-time, the traditional business began to morph into something far from conventional. Almost immediately, using this technology as more than just another communication tool for existing “physical” businesses was envisioned; and shortly thereafter, the eCommerce industry was born. 
In our ongoing efforts to be the best internet marketing agency, we specialize in website design, Search Engine Optimization & Pay-Per-Click campaigns, so we understand the unique challenges in providing digital marketing services for eCommerce businesses. Our ability to function as a business revolves around providing Internet & web-based marketing services. If we were to limit our services to be in close proximity to our physical location in Bucks County, PA, and only able to serve clients within the Philadelphia & Central New Jersey region that is an easy commute for us, our growth as a business would likely be finite. However, with the web serving as our onramp to the entire online business world, we can provide our services to any business. Their physical location is irrelevant, so our future is almost limitless. It’s of little surprise when we proclaim that we are beyond grateful for the Internet, and look forward to the roads that lie ahead of us.
That same degree of optimism towards the future should apply to every eCommerce business. Of all the different types of companies, eCommerce businesses are uniquely suited & positioned not to be negatively affected by the current pandemic. This present reality will lead to even more potential customers using the Internet as their first choice for shopping. Unfortunately, eCommerce businesses are just as prone to making errors with their creative marketing efforts as any other type of business. With these in mind, we offer our eCommerce friends this chance to avoid taking their businesses in the wrong direction and share our Top 3 Creative Marketing Mistakes Made By the eCommerce Industry.
Social or Not – Pay Attention: Social Media & eCommerce businesses are both based around the Internet serving as their “location.” As such, eCommerce businesses should pay close & exceptional attention to Social Media Marketing, not just because both only exist in the same virtual world. The online-only format of the more popular Social Media platforms lends itself directly to the type of online advertising that eCommerce businesses should invest heavily in. Every kind of advertising message has a place in one or more Social Media platforms. Want to post custom-produced video content? Try Youtube and Instagram. Is a short but frequent posting format more your business’s style? Try Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn.
Don’t be content with no Content: Whether it resides on Social Media channels or your website, it is vital that you continuously add multiple forms of content marketing. Mix up different kinds of content, from videos & blogs to news articles, client reviews, and testimonials. You need to ensure that the material is relevant to your business or the customers your company wishes to attract; and make sure your content is “fresh,” meaning you are showing it first. Following these guidelines will help you significantly improve your SEO.
It’s either S.E.O. or S.E. NO! Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is the methodology used by the major search engines like Google, Bing & Yahoo! to locate your business for potential customers. The search bots these engines employ look specifically for the fresh & relevant content just discussed, along with specific keywords and keyphrases that search engine users input when trying to find a source for their wants. When used together & adequately, all of these will place your eCommerce business at the top of the Search Engine Results Page (SERP), where you want your business to be. Failure means being lost & all-but-invisible in the pages that follow page one.
Measure Twice, Cut Once: Any Contractor of quality will tell you that this is one of the primary rules-of-thumb for their operations. Making sure you have the numbers accurate before beginning saves time & materials, contributing to increased profitability potential. In this instance, tracking software to measure your online marketing efforts will reveal which work well and which misses the mark; in both cases, it allows you to adjust your campaigns accordingly. 
Being creative is only a benefit if that creativity directly contributes to the growth & profitability of your eCommerce business. Pay close heed to the details, and be hyper-focused on the metrics, and you’ll be much more likely to find the success you first dreamed about before starting your business.

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