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How to Improve Your Google Ads Quality Score

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Higher Quality Score = Better PPC = Higher ROI

If you’re running a pay-per-click campaign with Google Ads — whether you’re planning a new strategy or you’re not achieving your desired results — you should understand how to improve your quality score.


What exactly is a Google Ads quality score?

The quality score is a rating between 1 and 10, scored and provided by Google. There are three main factors that influence the quality score of an ad, including:

  1. Anticipated click-through rate (CTR)
  2. Ad relevance
  3. Landing page experience

If you’re not sure how your ads are being scored, you can check your quality scores here

If your score is low, it’s hugely beneficial to try and improve it.

Your quality score affects the position of the ad and the cost per action. 


How to get a good quality score on Google Ads

The best way to get a good quality score on Google Ads is to focus on three key factors: the expected CTR, the relevance of ads, and the landing page experience. If you can improve these areas and address any weak points in your strategy, you should find that your score increases. 


Expected click-through rate

The expected click-through rate is an estimate done by Google’s AI. It’s trying to predict the percentage of users who will click on your ad. 

There are three ratings: above average, average and below average. If your score is below average, it’s wise to analyze and review the text in your ads to improve keyword relevancy and to target your top keywords. Be specific and utilize a good mix of solid keywords.

Take the example of the keyword phrase “striped socks.”

An ad that mentions “striped socks,” “decorative socks,” “patterned socks,” and “colored socks” may perform well for the keyword. 

More general phrases like “sock store” or “a wide range of socks” might not benefit the ad’s expected CTR.


Ad relevance

Your ads need to be relevant to the services and products you’re promoting.

In other words, the ad copy should match the landing page. Whatever your ad claims, your landing page should back it up.

In the socks example, the ad mentions “patterned socks.” If the landing page shows only solid socks, that’s poor ad relevance.

By the same token, general ad copy such as “Shop here for accessories” probably isn’t as effective for a page that’s just for socks.


Landing page experience

Landing page experience is a rating of the page users see after clicking your ad. To score highly, Google recommends clear, informative, useful pages that are relevant to the ads.

Research suggests that it takes just 0.05 seconds for a web user to form an impression of a web page.

Landing pages play a critical role in converting leads, and it’s essential to get the design, content and functionality right to improve your Google Ads quality score and maximize the chances of making sales.

Here are some tips to improve the landing page experience:

  • Don’t cram pages full of text. Make your key points clear, include a call to action and keep the layout simple.

  • Break up your pages with images, photographs, infographics, and video clips. The brain processes visual data 60,000 times faster than text.

  • Use videos. According to Eyeview, including videos on landing pages can increase conversion rates by 86%.

  • Tailor your landing pages to suit the target customer. The look of the page, the type of content and the tone you use should all resonate with your ideal buyer.

  • Make sure your ads and landing pages work well together. If a user clicks on an ad for running shoes, for example, they should end up on a landing page that contains information, images, and options to buy that product. If the user ends up on a page that is packed with formal shoes or slippers, for example, the page is not relevant to the ad.

  • Ensure your pages are slick and that images and videos load quickly. Delays can cost sales. Almost 40% of people will stop using a website if the pages or images are too slow to load.

  • Avoid bombarding customers with offers, deals, and pop-ups. According to BluLeadz, including multiple offers on the same page can decrease conversion rates by 266%.



If you’re running a Google Ads campaign to promote your business and drive sales, it is vital to understand how quality scores work and how you can improve your ads.

To get a better score, focus on choosing the right keywords, crafting ads that are relevant to the keywords, and creating landing pages that provide a great user experience.

If your scores are below average, start making changes to improve your chances of creating leads and boosting sales.