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Shout Your Presence: How Establishing a Clear Brand Identity Amplifies Your Success

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For businesses in the home service industry, your brand is everything. It shows your current and potential customers who you are, what you stand for, and allows you to connect with them on a personal level. Giving them something more than a bland corporate identity cultivates more trust and gives them a feeling that they know your business better than the competition. Establishing a clear brand is why you see some companies soaring higher than others; the ones that are taking their business to the next level have figured out how to leverage their brand identity into actionable results.

Top 3 Branding Mistakes for Home Services


This is precisely why you and your business need to firmly establish your identity across all channels and present that unified front for customers to latch onto and drive your business forward. To help steer you towards finding and establishing your own brand identity, we’ve created this guide and accompanying whitepaper. 


The Devil Is in the Details

People notice the little details. They pick up on the subtle changes in demeanor and how someone talked to them today versus how they sounded a month ago. It’s in our nature to pick up on the inconsistencies and question why they are there. These inconsistency hunters can key in on any potential branding mistakes you may have made, even if they were made inadvertently. 

One of the most critical aspects of creating a lasting brand identity centers around finding consistency in your brand’s voice. Consistency across all areas where your branding is front and center shows that you pay attention to the smallest details and care about how the world sees you. Keeping logos, font choices, and taglines the same on everything from your trucks through your social media posts is vital for building that trust in your brand. 

Be More Than a Boilerplate Response 

Everyone and their grandmother — literally — are on social media these days. Platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and yes, even TikTok, have seeped into every aspect of society since MySpace’s fledgling days. Scrolling through Timelines and News Feeds have become such an essential part of a person’s day that finding a way to cut through the noise and get your brand front and center can drive an impressive amount of traffic to where you need it. However, if you build your social presence incorrectly or come across as inauthentic, your best efforts will be for naught. 

People have an innate ability to see through the corporate sounding and inauthentic brand voices on social media. Having a presence on social media is not only essential, but it is an inherent expectation. You can utilize social media to firmly establish who you are, make communicating with your customers about various issues a breeze, and give you a platform to showcase the best parts of your business. Leveraging an active and engaging social media presence can help build trust and boost sales across the board and establish your company as a leader in your industry. 

Make Real-Time Responsiveness Work for You

A side effect to our growing interconnectedness revolves around the expectation for immediate results. When it comes to any potential issues that may arise for your customers, having clear avenues to communicate and handle any customer service issues is critical for establishing your brand as a trusted source. Building that trust between you and your customers takes time, patience, and consistency. 

However, that built up trust can be wiped away in the blink of an eye with a few inattentive customer service interactions. By utilizing the different communication paths available and keeping your customers and your brand identity in mind, you can continue to build that all-important trust between you and your customers. If someone tags you in a Facebook post complaining about service, reply and show your more than a corporate entity. Receive a sternly worded mention on Twitter? Private message them and get to the bottom of the issue. Use these forms of instant communication to act as a direct line for your customers to you and vice versa. 

Let 1SEO Be Your Guide

Cultivating trust between your brand and your customers can prove a difficult task. Numerous pitfalls can trip up your best efforts, and knowing where to step next can be paralyzing with so much on the line. 1SEO can help you build that trustworthy bridge between you and your clients.

In our most recent whitepaper, Top 3 Branding Mistakes for Home Services, we detail the most common branding mistakes found throughout the home service industry and how to avoid them. Download the whitepaper now and take the first steps towards establishing a clear and trustworthy brand identity today!

About the Author:

Dan Matthews is your friendly neighborhood content writer at 1SEO. His secret dream is to go onto Guy’s Grocery Games, win, and parlay that into a recurring role as a judge. You can find him around town sampling the finest taco spots Philadelphia has to offer.

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